Gistified, a podcast condenser

My podcast eyes are bigger than my ear stomach.

I subscribe to 133 of them. If even half released a weekly 30 minute episode, I’d need to clock more than a full day of listening to catch up!

Gistified turns your podcast subscriptions into an inbox of summaries, distilling lengthy episodes into takeaways and key quotes.

Part of me finds this project a little distasteful, taking a carefully labored over piece of media and boiling it down into an infotritional supplement. But, as with meal replacements, something is better than nothing - and I’ll take podcast soylent over skipping info dinner any day.

This tool has had a surprisingly large impact on my media consumption. There were so many little pockets of intrigue that I had simply trained myself to ignore because I didn’t have enough time or brainspace for them.

But in the past few weeks I’ve learned things about housing policy, geopolitics, and active supreme court cases that I otherwise would never have had time to know!