Bootcamp Projects
25 Oct 2023This Summer, I decided to make a career change.
I’d spent the last ~5 years working in Product Management, and while I enjoyed many aspects of my professional life - it had become apparent that I needed a change.
I wanted to spend more of my time and energy creating. As a PM I did the (necessary! challenging! often frustrating!) work of creating optimal conditions for good software to be created by others.
So, I decided to take a career break to learn to build software. I figured, even if I returned to Product roles, I’d have upskilled & enabled myself to build side projects.
Despite feeling fashionably late to the party, I decided to do a bootcamp. Here are some of the projects I worked on during that time.
2cents, pay for what you wiki
Despite fully believing that it is a force for good and a beautiful, humanist holdover from a more optimistic time on the internet, I have never donated to Wikipedia.
Instead of trying to understand why that is, I closed the gap between intention and action with sweet, sweet technology.
2cents is a chrome extension that automatically donates an amount of your choosing to Wikipedia for each distinct wiki article you read every week.
- Built with js, stripe
- Uses google oauth based on the chrome browser profile
- Github repo
Grace Shopper, an ecommerce site
Does what it says on the label.
- Built with js, postgres, bootstrap
- Implements session-based authentication
- Implements search!